Wednesday 15 February 2012

LIFE: Ed Meets Smokey

Like an overly proud mother I feel the need to post and document all Smokey's progress. In this instance Smokey and Ed getting to know each other yesterday before Ed went back to hissing. I should state that Ed is the true owner of our apartment. I currently have Ed asleep next to me and Smokey asleep on a dinning chair, if only she knew close Smokey was, she'd be awake in milliseconds.


  1. Your cats are adorable. I love my big orange cats so much. They are brothers. Some times they can't stand to be around one another and at other times I can look and they will be laying sound asleep in a chair side by side.

    1. I think that is how these two will end up. Some moments they can be so close and not bothered then it's like Ed remembers she doesn't like him and the next time hisses.

  2. Aww they are so cute. Smokey's colouring is gorgeous. I bet you can't wait until everything settles down slightly with them, and you get to see his personality in full. In time I'm sure they'll be best of friends in no time, though there's bound to be a fight or two along the way.
    I'd love another cat, but I'm not sure that Jake would feel the same way. He's definitely king of the house and demander of all attention going. haha.

    1. Yeah when he's just in the bedroom with his he really comes out and shines, that's when he craves attention and loves being played with. When he's out with Ed he turns back into that little shy guy. Joe would love a dog but without a yard that's too hard atm so that'll be interesting when we have to introduce them to dogs!

  3. arent they so cute? just like children at fun to watch. Playful. Sneaking. Protective. defensive.... hilarious. am so enjoying your cats.

    1. Sometimes I think they are worse then children! Especially ed at times!

  4. awww i hope they learn to love each other!

  5. It must be fun to watch them - better than TV!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  6. You've captured them beautifully here, keep the pictures coming! x
